Sunday 15 April 2012

Mangal Dosh Niwaran Puja

Mangal Dosh

In Indian astrology it is believed that if Mars is placed in any of the houses 1, 4, 7, 8 or 12, in a Horoscope where the rising sign or the Ascendant is taken as the first house, Manglik Dosh is said to be formed in that horoscope. This Dosh is usually said to delay the marriage of the affected person and create disturbances even after marriage or in the worst cases it may cause the death of the spouse. And it is advised that a person having a Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope should only marry a person who also has Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope. According to these astrologers, the bad effects of Manglik Dosh present in a horoscope are reduced or even canceled if the person marrying the first person is also having Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope.

Any person suffering from Manglik Dosh is called a Manglik. So when someone says "I'm a Manglik", it simply means that they have Manglik Dosh in their horoscope
The bad effects of Manglik Dosh can be reduced with the help of astrological remedies which would generally include the application of Pooja, Mantras, Gemstones and Charities and these remedies are different for different individuals depending upon their horoscopes.

Vishesh Pooja
    • Mangal upasana
    • Bhomdev jaapam
    • Rina mochan Mangal stotram
    • mangal kavacham
    • angark stotram
    • bhoom mangal stotram

Clarifications on Manglik Dosha

The maximum comments on this blog are posted to the article on Manglik Dosha. I would like to clarify a few points:
  1. I am of the firm opinion that Mars in Lagna does not cause dosha.
  2. Shani and Rahu, which are supposed to be cruel planets also cause dosha similar to Manglik dosha and their effect should also be balanced.
  3. A person with Mars in 7th house should marry a person with Mars in 7th house only and not in any other house.
  4. A person with Mars in 8th house should marry a person with Mars in 8th house only and not in any other house.Manglik Dosha Exceptions
I was going through a calendar that we have been referring throughout. This calendar is calledBhuvan Vijay Panchanga by Pt Babulal Chaturvedi and is published by Adhunik Jyotish Karyalaya - Office of Modern Astrology, Jabalpur, India. It is a fairly accurate and detailed calendar and readers are advised to take a look at it if they can get hold of one. I refer to the pages when someone asks me about match making and an internet connection is not handy to refer to my own website.
In one of the pages, the author explains about Manglik Dosha and how it is caused and what nullifies the dosha. It is pretty much in line with other texts on Manglik Dosha that I have read. However, one of the sections caught my eye and I thought I should share it with blog readers. Please take a look at this attached image.
For people who do not understand Hindi, the text says that in the seven scenarios mentioned below, matching the chart for Manglik Dosha is not required:
  1. If there is a condition associated with marriage, e.g. the way Rama and Sita, Arjun and Draupadi got married.
  2. If the girl is kidnapped and subsequently married.
  3. If the girl’s father gives away his daughter willingly and lovingly.
  4. If the girl herself proposes to a guy then it is not necessarily required to match the charts for Manglik Dosha.
  5. In case of remarriage.
  6. If the girl has crossed the age of 30 years, then a lot of attention should not be given to manglik dosha.
  7. For a man above 50 years of age and for a woman 45 and above.
Number 4 and 6 seem to be a fairly interesting points. I am not sure why these are specific to girls. Anyway, the whole point behind this post is to kickstart a debate. I would request learned astrologers to take a look and comment on this post so that students like me can learn.

Manglik Dosha and Chart Matching

A lot of people write to me about what Manglik dosha is and how important it is for ascertaining horoscope compatibility and in wreking relationships. I will explain a few things about Marsh dosha. Before I start, I would like to emphasize that horoscope compatibility analysis is a job of a well trained and qualified professional astrologer. No software can capture the essense of this process. It is like A.I.; We can make incredibly smart machines, but none of them can match humans in terms of intelligence.

Updated: Readers are also advised to take a look at another article: Clarifications on Manglik Dosha.
Mars is a planet that represents fire. It causes a dosha in the chart because it tends to burn the relationship between a husband and wife; causing rift, tensions and in some cases death of one spouse. I do not know why Mars has been attributed with these qualities historically. Mars is a planet of valour and vigour and if associated with the lagna works towards making the person brave and headstrong. Why should then these qualities work against a relationship? Maybe because then people become uncompromising as well.
In any case, I believe that a lot of importance should not be given to Mars alone. Rahu/Ketu and Saturn should also be judged while matching charts. In her book “The Art of Matching Charts”, Gayatri Devi Vasudev does not even have a chapter on Mars Dosha. She just has a chapter called “Balancing the malefic content”. There you have it…

Coming back to the point, presense of Mars in houses 2, 4, 7, 8, and 12 usually causes dosha. However, like all other rules, this rule exceptions too. The following exceptions have been taken care of in my software:
  1. No Dosha for Leo and Aquarius signs and/or Lagnas,
  2. No Dosha when Mars is in 2nd house, in the signs of Gemini and Virgo,
  3. No Dosha when Mars is in 4th house, in the signs of Aries and Scorpio,
  4. No Dosha when Mars is in 7th house, in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn,
  5. No Dosha when Mars is in 8th house, in the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces signs
  6. No Dosha when Mars is in 12th house, in the signs of Taurus and Libra
Apart from that, some of the exceptions not taken care of in this software are:
  1. Association of Mars with Jupiter and Saturn in certain cases cancels the dosha
  2. Retrograde mars does not cause dosha.
  3. A weak mars (e.g. combust, situated near rashi sandhi) loses ability to cause dosha.
In the end, I cannot emphasize enough about talking to a professional astrologer when you want to match kundalis. The Guna Milap software on the web site is to help you make a decision. It will not and should not make decisions on your behalf.

Pandit. Aradhya
Aradhya Astro-Vision
Bangalore, India

Is your horoscope afflicted with Manglik Dosha?

What is the Manglik Dosha

There are twelve signs of the zodiac. One of the signs happens to be the sign rising at the eastern horizon at the time of birth. This rising sign is called the lagan or the ascendant. The lagan happens to be the first house of the horoscope. By this is meant that the houses and signs do not coincide. The first house has the label of the sign rising at the time of birth; the second bears the label of the sign that will rise next, and so on.
According to the rules of Astrology, an able astrologer can tell about the Life, longevity, health, natural tendencies, body, vitality, sorrows, gain, wealth, name, honor, dignity, fame, pleasures and sickness of the native. If the ascendant is afflicted with malefic planets, there will be injury or any other affliction to Head, face, brain, nerves, facial bones, upper jaw and pituitary glands.
The Ascendant has a vital importance in Vedic Astrology. In Western Astrology, more attention is given to Sun and Sun sign while in traditional Astrology, Moon, Moon Sign and Ascendant play an important role in analyzing the future and other things concerned to the native

Check if your horoscope is afflicted from
Manglik Doha?

According to Indian or Vedic Astrology, when the planet Mars is placed in certain houses of the horoscope of an individual, it casts malefic influence on various aspects of life of that particular individual. An individual having such an afflicted Mars status is known as a Manglik. This condition is also called the Kuja Dosha or the Bhauma Dosha. Mars or Mangal is also knows as Bhauma . Even Western Astrology also recognizes the ill effects of Planet Mars afflictions in married life of an individual.

A Manglik can be a man or a woman. Although this is a condition that causes great amount of emotional distress for both man and woman. In case of women it is more stressful as it creates hurdles in their marriage and getting a suitable match for them.

There are only 12 houses in a Horoscope and placement of Mars in 5 of these houses makes one a Manglik. This in turn means that almost 42% of the population is likely to be Mangliks

Checkout your Manglik Dosha with Aradhya Astro-Vision

Pandit. Aradhya
Aradhya Astro-Vision
Bangalore, India

Mangal Dosha

Mangal Dosha is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars is in the 1st,2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the Vedic astrology Ascendant chart. A person born in the presence of this condition is termed a manglik.
This condition is astrologically believed to be devastating for marriages, causing discomfort and tension in relationship, leading to severe disharmony among the spouses and eventually to other bigger problems. This is attributed to the "fiery" nature of this planet. However, if a manglik person is born on Tuesday, the negative effects of Kuja Dosha gets cancelled by itself. Also, if two mangliks marry, the negative effects are believed to cancel each other out. However, Mars is not the only planet in Vedic Astrology that is supposed to affect the relationship and these effects should be seen in a broader perspective of overall astrological compatibility.

There is also a belief that the negative consequences for a single-manglik marriage can be resolved if the manglik first performs a ceremony called a kumbh vivah, in which the manglik "marries" a banana tree, a peepal tree, or a silver or golden idol (Murti) of the Hindu God Vishnu. Before her marriage to Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai one of India's most famous film stars faced a lawsuit, after being accused of entering into a "false marriage" ('marrying' a tree) by Lawyers on behalf of some human rights groups.
Any person suffering from Manglik Dosh is called a Manglik. So when someone says "I'm a Manglik", it simply means that they have Manglik Dosh in their horoscope.
The bad effects of Manglik Dosh can be reduced with the help of astrological remedies which would generally include the application of Pooja, Mantras, Gemstones and Charities and these remedies are different for different individuals depending upon their horoscopes.
An increasing number of individuals are placing less emphasis on Manglik dosha, during the selection of a life partner, as evidenced from the data from online matrimony sites. However, there is still a pretty large following of people who give credence to Manglik Dosha.

Marriage of Mangaliks

Mangaliks are perfectly normal humans who lead normal lives. Superstition and incompetent guidance by half-baked astrologers has created negative hype about their marriage prospects, says Pandit Aradhya.
Prateek wanted to marry Shyamala. They made a fine couple, had been friends since school days, and were persevering professionals. But Prateek’s parents Ghanshyam and Mrinalini were vehemently against this marriage because, according to an astrologer, Shyamala was a Mangalik, and Prateek would die if he married her. When I hear such stories I wonder, are Mangaliks some kind of spouse-devouring cannibals or abnormal, poisonous humans? Who is a Mangalik? Is Mangal Dosh relevant only to marriage and to no other aspect of life? Or is it superstition handed down the generations?
Prateek approached me for advice. He had a point when he said, “I have travelled all over the world, but it seems to me that Mangaliks exist only in India. I wonder how the rest of the world carries on with their marriages?”
Remember the movie, Lage Raho Munnabhai? The stylish non-Mangalik Abhishek Bachhan steps in to marry the Mangalik bride played by Diya Mirza and laces his act with whacky, romantic dialogues. That was reel life. Now cut to real life. Here he, a non- Mangalik, marries Aishwarya, a Mangalik. According to some newspaper reports later denied vehemently by Bachchan Sr, before she ties knots with him, she marries a Peepul tree so that the brunt of her Mangalik Dosh may fall on her tree husband and the second husband, Mr. Bachchan, is spared. Quite an ingenious solution. I wonder whether the unfortunate Peepul tree will wither away after being married to the most beautiful Mangalik on earth!
The Mangal stigma is one of the most misunderstood aspects of Vedic astrology. A majority of astrologers are well educated, intuitive, rational and scientific and know the Mangal effect well. But we still have an army of half-baked ‘punditjis’ who have created a negative hype around this word.
Mangaliks are normal humans who lead normal lives, and to be a Mangalik is neither a fault nor a problem. It only means that the person has strong energies and needs an equally strong spouse.

Who are Mangaliks?

First, we must understand the enormous complexity of the human body, not only in its physical construction, but the subtle construction and functioning. Besides the physical body, it has five subtle bodies that the yogis and spiritual seekers talk about: Annamaya kosha, Pranamaya kosha, Manomaya kosha, Vijnanamaya kosha and Anandamaya kosha. There are five Pranas which keep us alive: Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana, and
Vyana. The brain emits four types of brainwaves: Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta, from high state of mental activity to peace and sleep. Beyond the known five senses, it has the intuitive sense for which J.B.Rhine coined the word ESP which makes us aware of the thoughts emanating from the minds of others, even though they may be far removed in space.
This complicated human being is also a powerful transmitter of thought patterns, energy patterns, emotive patterns, good and bad vibrations, subtle and gross energies. All that we are and all that we strive to be is transmitted in a subtle form to those around us. As it transmits, it also receives similar transmissions from other humans and reacts to them, mostly without its conscious knowledge and control. We all feel elated, sometime or the other, in the company of certain persons or in a spiritually beautiful environment, and hate a stranger for no obvious reason. The closer the person is, the deeper and more profound is the influence.

The credit goes to the Pineal Gland near the brain. This gland has been known to the yogis as the organ through which the brain receives impressions by the medium of vibrations caused by thoughts projected from other brains. Each planet, ‘rashi’ and ‘nakshatra’ has a meaning in Vedic astrology. Mars stands for chivalry, valour, courage, fearlessness, leadership qualities, strength, a sense of purpose in life, tremendous discipline, armed forces, law and order, land, real estate, machinery etc. But it also indicates fiery temperament, battles, blood, weapons, destruction and accidents. It is an indicator of how powerful or meek, how strong or week, how gross or refined, how murderous or loving in thoughts and by nature, how fiercely independent or temperamental are we. Therefore, if it is positioned well in the birth chart, it would be an indication of emanation of good and positive vibrations from the person to those around, and the reverse would indicate strong negative energies of his subtle bodies and thoughts. The closer a person is, the deeper and more profound is the influence on us. And few
others can have deeper and more powerful influence than a life partner. Mangaliks are strong and powerful individuals and have strong and powerful vibrations. The vibrations of their thought and energy patterns can be overwhelming and powerful for a meek person. To live a lifetime with someone whose mind and body emanates subtle but strong vibes which are in tune with another partner can make life a pleasure to live, and that is the entire purpose of astrological matchmaking. But if they are not in tune, it is likely to manifest as mental and psychological blocks, and in extreme cases, even as physical ailments.

What is the solution?
Sometimes, Mangal Dosh is nullified if certain astrological requirements are met with in the horoscope. The second solution is to let strong marry strong. Sage Parasher, one of the founders of astrological principles, wrote: "If a woman with the widowhood yoga marries a man with a similar yoga of loss of spouse, then such yoga will get cancelled." (Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, chapter 81, verse 48) Like all horoscopes, a Mangalik’s should be analysed thoroughly by a competent astrologer. Half-baked knowledge is dangerous. A proper understanding of Mangal Dosh can help avoid post-marital problems. But circumventing the problem by marrying a Peepal tree or a vessel or an animal is neither graceful nor correct: who would want a tree or a goat for a spouse?
That is being superstitious!
Pandit. Aradhya
Aradhya Astro-Vision
Bangalore - Mob. +91-7676405656